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Egypt accuses Morsi of leaking classified documents to Qatar

The ousted Egyptian president is facing numerous charges and trials that he says are politically motivated
Mohammed Morsi was ousted in a military coup led by now president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi last July (AFP)

Egypt's Prosecutor-General has jailed ousted president Mohamed Morsi for 15 days pending investigation into alleged charges of leaking classified documents to Qatar, a judicial source said.

"Morsi faces charges of leaking Egyptian national security documents to Qatar when he was president," the source told Anadolu Agency on Wednesday.

According to the source, investigations into the alleged charges include a number of leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, the group from which Morsi hails.

Morsi, Egypt's first democratically elected leader, was ousted by the military in July of last year – after only one year in office – following protests against his presidency.

He currently faces four separate trials for multiple criminal charges, including espionage, jailbreak and "offending the judiciary."

Morsi, along with his co-defendants, insist the charges against him are politically driven.

Relations between Cairo and Doha have soured dramatically since Morsi's overthrow.

Qatar heavily financed the Muslim Brotherhood government and have since provided safe haven for many of their members, after Egypt designated the group a terrorist organisation.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE have replaced Doha as Egypt’s backers, providing billions of dollars in financial aid to prop up the embattled Egyptian economy. 

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