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Live blog update| Turkey elections 2023

MHP outperforming expectations in parliament

Don’t forget that Turkey has voted for its next parliament, as well as president. Counting the vote for parliament is a bit slower than the presidency, but we’re starting to get an idea of who is doing well.

So far, the surprise performer is the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), a Turkish nationalist outfit closely allied to Erdogan and his ruling AKP.

The MHP were predicted to drop below 10 percent, but so far that doesn’t look likely. Anadolu has them at over 11 percent at the moment.

Turkish Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahceli casts his vote for presidential and parliamentary elections in Ankara (Anadolu Agency)
Turkish Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahceli casts his vote for presidential and parliamentary elections in Ankara (Anadolu Agency)

With 62 percent of the ballot counted, Anadolu has the parliament like this:

• AKP: 36.9 percent - 271 MPs
• MHP: 11.25 percent - 52MPs

• CHP: 23.54 percent - 168 MPs
• IYI: 9.90 percent - 46MPs

• HDP/YSP: 8.26 percent — 58MPs

That would give Erdogan’s AKP/MHP bloc a majority.