Middle Eastern journalists association denounces 'racist news coverage'

The Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association has denounced "racist news coverage that ascribes more importance to some victims of war over others" during coverage of the war in Ukraine.
Citing a number of examples of recent coverage, the organisation said it "condemns and categorically rejects orientalist and racist implications that any population or country is 'uncivilised' or bears economic factors that make it worthy of conflict".
In a statement, the organisation, which represents media professionals of Arab and Middle Eastern descent, said: "Newsrooms must not make comparisons that weigh the significance or imply justification of one conflict over another - civilian casualties and displacement in other countries are equally as abhorrent as they are in Ukraine."
Middle East Eye has highlighted some of the incidents in which major news outlets have aired racist views - often using comparisons with the Middle East - since the invasion began.