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Driver killed and seven injured in car ramming attack

Seven people were injured by a car ramming and stabbing attack in Tel Aviv, according to Israeli police. 

Video circulated on social media showed a pick-up truck that had mounted a pavement near a shopping centre.

The driver reportedly ran over pedestrians, before exiting the vehicle and carrying out a stabbing attack. He was shot dead at the scene by a civilian, Israeli police said.

Some of those injured had knife wounds, according to a spokesperson for Israel's Magen David Adom ambulance service. 

car ramming attack tel aviv
Israeli police work at the scene of a car ramming attack in Tel Aviv, Israel on 4 July 2023 (Reuters)

Tel Aviv Police District Commander Ami Eshed said the attack was carried out by a Palestinian from the occupied West Bank. 

In response, Hamas spokesperson Hazem Kassem said: "The heroic action in Tel Aviv is the first response to Israel's crimes against our people in the Jenin refugee camp. As the [Palestinian] resistance has already put it – Israel will pay the price for its crimes."

Khaled Al-Batsh, a senior official from the Islamic Jihad movement, praised the attack as "an initial and natural response of the resistance towards what is happening in Jenin".