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Mass student walkout across UK universities to demand a ceasefire

Students at 28 universities across the UK are staging a walkout on Thursday and Friday to call for a ceasefire in Gaza.

They are also demanding the immediate lifting of the siege on Gaza.

Universities taking part include King’s College London, London School of Economics and Edinburgh University. 

Students walked out of their classes, seminars and lectures on Thursday, calling on their institutions to demand an “immediate ceasefire" and an “end to UK complicity in, and funding for, Israel’s genocide in Gaza”.

Thirty Palestine societies from universities across Britain released a joint statement saying that “the hostile environment that is being encouraged by university administrators has effectively banned Palestinians from their right to publicly grieve the catastrophe befalling their people in Gaza”.

Jasmin, a student at King’s College London taking part in the walkouts, said: “Today, we are mobilising outside King's College London to shed light on their active involvement in Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

"The demand for an immediate ceasefire on British campuses and an end to UK complicity in Israel’s war crimes can no longer be ignored.

"The partnership between KCL and Technion University, a company which develops arms used to murder the Palestinian population, must come to an end," she added.