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Medics denied access to wounded

Israeli forces denied access to medics attempting to treat those wounded during Israel's deadly operation, according to NGOs and the World Health Organisation.   

"First responders have been prevented from entering the refugee camp, including to reach persons who have been critically injured," said WHO spokesperson Christian Lindmeier. 

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said that gas canisters landed in the courtyard of the Khalil Suleiman hospital, where its staff were treating patients who had suffered gunshot wounds. 

The charity said that Israeli military bulldozers destroyed roads leading up to the camp, making it “nearly impossible” for ambulances to reach the wounded. 

ambulance jenin refugees fleeing
People flee the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank during an ongoing Israeli military operation on 4 July 2023 (AFP)

“This is an unprecedentedly long military operation, and yet there are still victims that cannot be reached. Health care staff must be allowed to access patients unhindered,” said Jovana Arsenijevic, MSF’s operations coordinator in Jenin. 

“Raids on Jenin camp have started to follow a familiar pattern - ambulances have been rammed by armoured cars and patients and health care staff have routinely been denied entry and egress to the camp.

"Medical structures, ambulances and patients must be respected.”

The Palestinian Medical Relief Society said that Israeli forces blocked ambulances and fired at Jenin’s al-Amal hospital.