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German finance minister cancels Middle East trip amid budget talks

German Finance Minister Robert Habeck called off a scheduled visit to the Middle East on Sunday, choosing instead to concentrate on discussions regarding a deficit in Germany's 2024 budget.

Habeck was set to travel to Dubai on Monday evening for COP28, followed by visits to Oman, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. However, the chancellor requested that he delay his journey, as per a spokesperson's statement.

The coalition government is currently engaged in detailed discussions on addressing a 17-billion-euro shortfall in the 2024 budget, resulting from a recent constitutional court decision, Reuters reported.

In a Saturday interview, Finance Minister Christian Lindner suggested reducing social spending, international climate funding, development aid, and certain subsidies to address this deficit.

"I am very optimistic that we are on a good path to reach an agreement," Habeck said on Sunday, declining to give further details before an agreement had been reached.