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Palestinian killed after wounding three Israelis in West Bank shooting

Member of Palestinian security force reported to have attacked checkpoint near settlement in occupied West Bank
Two of those injured were said to be in serious condition (AFP)

A Palestinian opened fire at a checkpoint near a Jewish settlement in the West Bank on Sunday, wounding three Israelis before being shot dead, Israeli officials said.

The Israeli army said the attack happened near the Beit El settlement, close to Ramallah. Israeli medics said two of the three wounded had serious injuries.

"A gunman opened fire near Beit El, north of Jerusalem," the Israeli military said in a statement. "Forces at the scene responded to the attack and shot the assailant, resulting in his death.

"Three Israelis were wounded and are being evacuated for emergency medical treatment in hospital."

An AFP journalist saw the body of the Palestinian man killed near the checkpoint. A silver car with Palestinian plates was next to the body.

The number plates suggested it belonged to the Palestinian government. 

A Palestinian intelligence source said Israeli authorities had informed them that the man, Amjad Sukari Abu Omar, about 30 years old, worked as a bodyguard for the Palestinian attorney general's office.

According to Palestinian media reports, Abu Amar recently wrote on his Facebook page: " On This Earth What Makes Life Worth Living, but sadly sadly I don’t see anything worth living for, as long as the occupation oppresses our souls and kills our brothers and sisters."
A wave of Palestinian knife, gun and car attacks erupted in October. Most of the attacks have been stabbings, though shootings have occasionally occurred.

The violence has killed 25 Israelis, as well as an American and an Eritrean, according to an AFP count.

At the same time, 160 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces, most while carrying out attacks but others during clashes and demonstrations.

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