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How the Arab media covered Trump's move

From calling America 'the root of evil' to not covering Trump's decision at all, here's a round-up of the front page coverage of four major Arab dailies:

Al-Akhbar: ‘It’s either America . . . or Jerusalem’

“Should the Arabs be aware that America, in short, is the root of all evil?,” writes the Lebanese newspaper which is close to Hezbollah.

“As for Israel, let’s leave it aside. Whatever has been said of Israel's 'power and superiority', is only a result of the American- British colonisers. Israel wouldn't survive a day without the protection, care and support of the West.”

“Today at this moment, those of us Arabs who surrender completely to America under the banner of 'peace', are nothing more than submissive cowards. While the 'free world' watches helplessly in the face of a mad cowboy, we should stand up with dignity and address the root of the problem not its symptoms. We have no choice but to raise our fists and slogans and shout, 'Death to America!”

Asharq Al-Awsat: 'Trump recognises Jerusalem as capital'

In a straightforward news report, Saudi-funded Asharq Al-Awsat wrote that “Trump fulfilled the promise he made in his election campaign and declared officially yesterday his recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel”.

Al-Araby Al-Jadeed: ‘Trump, the second occupation’

The London-based Qatari-funded Al-Araby Al-Jadeed writes: "There is a war on the Palestinian case to undermine the right of return of refugees and the Palestinian state."

But Palestinians have “loads of options” about how they react against Trump’s move.

Al Arab: 'Ahmed Ali in a race against time'

Going in an entirely different editorial direction, the Emirati paper’s front page covered Ahmed Ali Saleh, son of former Yemeni leader Ali Abdullah Saleh who was killed by the Houthis on Monday in Sanaa.