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Israeli President attacked on social media by right-wing critics

Right-wing Israelis have launched a campaign against Israeli President Reuven Rivlin over his reconciliatory gestures towards the Arab/Palestinian community in Israel.

The Jerusalem Post quoted Facebook users savaging Rivlin with comments like “thanks to the Arab fascists who elected you,” and “this bastard is condemning Jews who moved into homes in Jerusalem. It reminds me a bit of the race laws, but when it comes to Jews, everything goes.”

At the beginning of the parliamentary winter session in the Knesset, Rivlin described some of the slurs used against him

“I’ve been called a ‘lying kike’ by my critics,” Rivlin said.

“’May you die, Arab agents,’ ‘Go be president in Gaza,’ ‘Smelly Arab sycophant,’ ‘traitor,’ ‘the president of Hezbollah’.”

Social media also circulated a photo of the President wearing the Arab keffiyeh:

Rivlin, a former Likud MK, had come under attack from the Israeli right-wing for his acknowledgement of the 1956 Kafr Qasem massacre in 47 Palestinians were killed by Israeli border police.