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Live blog update| Chilcot
This is an entry from: LIVE BLOG: Chilcot as it happens

'A most devastating verdict'

MEE reporter Jamie Merrill, who has been at the unveiling of the Chilcot report, gives his early analysis of the findings:

"This is by far the most devastating verdict on a British government since the end of the Second World War, essentially concluding that Blair needlessly rushed the country to war on the basis of flawed and exaggerated evidence and that his failure to plan for the aftermath cost British and Iraqi lives.

"Blair takes a savaging throughout the report, something the families who came to witness Sir John’s statement obviously appreciated. They applauded Sir John when he concluded his statement."

"The 150-odd international journalists gathered for the release have been shocked by the level of criticism Blair and the his government faced. Many seem to have expected the report to shy from such strident criticism of a man many see as Britain's most successful post-war prime minister."