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Toil and trouble: Witches prepare to cast spell over Trump

Supernatural exercise to be countered by call for prayers from supporters of Trump
Spell will ask that Trump do no harm 'to any human soul nor any tree, animal, rock, stream or sea' (Reuters)

Democrats and progressives have suggested many schemes to push back against President Donald Trump’s policies - protests, grassroots organising and congressional obstructions. But witches will be using spells at midnight on Friday to combat the controversial president.

A call to put a hex on Trump that will bind him has been making the rounds on internet circles for people who claim to practice magic. Now there is a Facebook page with more than 2,500 followers titled, “Mass Spell to Bind Donald Trump Feb. 24th.”

But Trump’s supporters are pushing back, also via supernatural means.

The website is calling for a national day of prayers on Friday to protect the president.

"The closer we come to reclaiming this land from the hands of the godless the more agitated and irrational the Left becomes," the website, which features conspiracy theories and far-right religious views, reads. "This ritual is an extension of the riots and physical assaults which have plagued the US since the election. It all stems from the same spiritual sickness."

Michael M Hughes, a self-proclaimed "magical thinker", published a guide to the spell, which involves candles, a tower tarot card and an "unflattering" photo of Trump.

"Hear me, oh spirits of Water, Earth, Fire, and Air, heavenly hosts, demons of the infernal realms and spirits of the ancestors, I call upon you to bind Donald J Trump so that he may fail utterly, that he may do no harm to any human soul nor any tree, animal, rock, stream or sea," the spell reads.

Although witches may not be the best answer for Trump’s policies, many internet users pledged to join the #MagicResistance despite criticism.

“I am willing to try anything at this point,” wrote one Twitter user. 

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