Quiz: How much do you know about Algeria's history?
With an eventful history spanning thousands of years, Middle East Eye tests your knowledge of Africa's biggest country
Algerian men wave their country's flag in the French city of Bordeaux (AFP)
Published date: 28 October 2022 09:09 BST
Last update: 2 years 2 months ago
The largest country in Africa has a history that is worthy of its size, one that extends way beyond the war of independence that saw it breakaway from French colonisers in the 1950s and 60s.
It's one that features Christian saints, Amazigh warrior queens, Ottoman pirates and footballers turned resistance leaders.
Over thousands of years, Algeria has experienced waves of invasion and conquest; be it Roman, Arab, Turkish or French, each has left a tangible legacy in the North African state.
Here Middle East Eye puts your knowledge of the "bled" to the test:
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